Prayercast Prayer Plans

Prayer is a core spiritual discipline. And yet few people truly thrive in this vital work.


These Prayercast Prayer Plans exist to activate world-changing prayer for the sake of the lost by providing structure, direction, and accountability. Just as a Bible reading plan helps us to be intentional about our time in scripture, these plans are designed to help us be intentional in our time spent in prayer for the lost around the world.


Each plan will guide you through a series of daily prayer topics over the course of days, weeks, or months. Each day, simply watch the listed Prayercast video, then pray as God leads.


We encourage you to keep the plan with your Bible and make it part of your daily time alone with God. Or use it to guide times of corporate prayer in small groups, prayer meetings, Sunday school classes, etc.


View a preview of each plan by clicking on the title below.

Click on the download icon to the left to save and print a hard copy.


Want to change the world? PRAY.




Staff picks


World List Regional

212 days

World List Alphabet

210 days

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